martes, 14 de abril de 2020


Welcome dear students to our English virtual class. 

Miss Karim

Date: Wednesday, April 15th, 2020

Topic: Jobs I

Purpose of the class: Identify, named and classify jobs

- artist
- doctor
- fireman
- costruction worker
- inspector
- journalist
- lawyer
- policewoman
- politician
- mailman
- researcher
- technician
- scientist

1. Watch the video and pay attenttion  to the grammar. 

2. Look at the charts below and pay attention to the kind of suffixes.

3. Complete the Student's book page 18, exercises 1,2,3 and the reading.

* Your tutoress is going to send the listening to the classroom whattsapp group. 

* Only read

4. Homework: Complete the Activity book pages 149, 151 and 153. 

* To print or copy in your notebook. 

- Page 149: exercises 1, 2, 3

- Page 151: exercises 1,2

* Your tutoress is going to send the listening to the classroom whattsapp group. 

- Page 153: exercises 1, 2, 3

* Your tutoress is going to send the listening to the classroom whattsapp group.

6. See you at 4 O'clock. We have a meeting. Use Jitsi, this is the link and your tutor is going to send you the link too. 


7. Send your homework: 

 Envía tu tarea:

* By e-mail:


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