martes, 12 de mayo de 2020

-ed/-ing Adjectives

Welcome dear students to our English virtual class. 

Miss Karim

Date: Tuesday, May 13th, 2020

Topic: -ed/-ing Adjectives

Purpose of the class: Use the -ed/-ing endings in adjectives properly according to the communicative purpose

- regular and irregular verbs              
- get stuck             
- care for
- look after                
- come back         

1. Look at the charts and pay attention to the grammar.

2. Watch the video and pay attention about how and when to use -ed / -ing adjectives.

3. Click on the link and complete the interactive excercises.

- ing / - ed adjectives 

4. Complete the Student's book page 32.

5. Homework: Complete the Activity book pages 157 and 161.

6. See you at 4 O'clock. We have a meeting. Use Jitsi, this is the link. 

* Link:

7. Send your homework: 

* By e-mail:


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