martes, 5 de mayo de 2020

Simple Past and Past Progressive

Welcome dear students to our English virtual class. 

Miss Karim

Date: Wednesday, May 6th, 2020

Topic: Simple past and past progressive

Purpose of the class: Use simple pas and past progressive with WHEN and WHILE


- when                         - while             - attack                 - bite
- bodyboard              - shark             - hip                       - wetsuit

1. Look at the ppt and pay attention to the grammar. 

2. Watch the video and identify the simple past and the past continuous with when and while.

3. Complete the Student's book pages 28, 29 and 30.

4. Homework: Complete the Activity book pages 155 and 156.

5. See you at 4 O'clock. We have a meeting. Use Jitsi, this is the link. 

* Link:

6. Send your homework: 

* By e-mail:


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